Thanks for popping in, I've had a little website for a few years but it's not been the best. I generally update people over in Instagram or Facebook which is great, but I do know my chat's miss a good percentage of the population who haven't found me.
One of the barriers to this new website is the many directions my work goes and how to organise that!
Technically of course I have to thank my husband Chris, who has worked it all out with his own website and little making business Cogcards which is a much simpler affair to start with. Then there is my live-in design and brand adviser Noah, currently doing A-level graphics and music.

Anyway, back to the website and me.....this is me, a photo taken during lockdown when I set up my 'little sideboard of happiness' for online live selling events over instagram, great fun and completely out of my comfort zone - but that was lockdown wasn't it - new challenges for everyone. You can see what I make, vintage inspired cotton reel trees and vintage fabric clocks. Little quirky things to brighten up your day and your homes. When you've finished reading this epic blog post, do pop over to my folksy shop to have a look.
But I am also really proud of the community textile projects I create. Another lockdown project below, we encouraged people from all ages and abilities to make a square for this quilt that hangs in the Old School Wolverton. Geof was the oldest stitcher aged 87 at the time and the youngest was aged 7. A wonderful project to coordinate and challenge to stitch the final quilt together, all 315 squares.

Finally for this post, I deliver workshops and courses in textiles. I have an indigo workshop coming up in March which is nearly sold out (hurray!) but then dates in May, July and September and others I hope. I also teach batik, eco printing and embroidery classes.

So that's it from me for now, my new website is up and looking great, still a few tweaks needed but 100 times better before.
I will be back in this blogging lark, so many things to talk about and great projects to look back on. I hope you will join me and find something interesting or inspiring.
Thanks for your time, see you again soon.
Jane xx